Newborn Baby Photography Sydney of a 5 weeks old baby boy
A beautiful Newborn Baby Photography Sydney session in the blog today. This baby boy was about 5 weeks old. He was just so sweet and precious, it was a dream photographing him and capturing these early memories for his family.
What a gorgeous little man he is. His hair is just a dream!
You may have heard that the best time to have photos taken of your baby is within the first two weeks after your baby is born. It is correct, the first 2 weeks of baby’s life is the easiest time to get those sweet curled up shots we imagine when we think of newborn photography. While there are some advantages to having photos taken early, we can get lovely images no matter what baby’s age. This little boy was a bit older than 2 weeks. He actually was 5 weeks old on the day of his session. It is not always possible to get older newborns to sleep for photos, but sometimes they do. This little boy’s session is a good example that sleepy posed images could happen with older babies. Older newborns also tend to give amazing eye contact when awake. As much as we all love a newborn sleepy shot, when I get a little one that gives me beautiful eye contact, I would be lying if I said I didn’t love those images equally! However I always recommend booking a package with longer sessions for “older” babies, so we have enough time to settle them.
I love working with older newborns because they are usually chubby but still have beautiful newness. Here are a few
Sydney photography by Lena Postnova.
Capture the natural perfection of your precious arrival with a newborn photography session! If you like my work, please contact to get my current price and sessions information.
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